Heroine’s Journey

Your Heroine's Journey

An in-depth discovery of your true Self-worth

Through my Heroine’s Journey reading, we delve into the story of you by looking at your chart. When astronauts go into outer space and look at the Earth, they see life itself in a completely new and changed way. I want to take you into space to look back at your journey so far in a Big Picture view. You will see yourself and your past in a profound and deeply life-changing way, and through this, free your Self to take on the next great journey you set out on. This package comprises four in-depth sessions.

Session 1: Who Are You?

Birth chart reading and human design reading form the basis of this first meaningful session. Understanding who you are is crucial to your growth and happiness. Many clients find these readings incredibly validating and affirming. Suddenly their life experiences and unconscious patterns are made fully conscious, laying the foundation for a healthy understanding and acceptance of your true Self. Once we walk through the story of You, you suddenly see Yourself wholly and are able to see the path ahead with renewed clarity. During these two hours we will uncover which areas in your life you are most in need of addressing in order to work on in continuing sessions.

Session 2: Transits and Goals

In this stage, we take an in-depth look at the major transits playing out in your chart that will help guide you to both setting and achieving your goals. After uncovering particular areas that you would like to work on and outgrow, we will meet again one week later to develop a plan of action for moving forward. What do you desire in life? Whether you are looking to start a business, initiate a divorce, find love, or pull yourself out of a rut, you first need a plan of action. Let’s identify achievable goals and break them down into manageable steps based on your individual needs.

Session 3: Your Shadow

In this session, we journey through the cave of anger and into the light of forgiveness. You can’t reach a point of peace and forgiveness without releasing your anger first. Most of us have been suppressing emotions of fear, anger, and grief. As we excavate through the layers of painful emotions and bring them into consciousness, we are better able to release the suffering. During this work we will connect with your inner child and the hidden aspects of your Self that require acknowledgment in order to heal.

Session 4: Falling Into Your Worth

You’ve been white knuckling for ages now, your grip so tight you can barely feel anymore. Let go. Now fall into your Worth. You are valued. You are worthy of so much this universe has to offer. You’ve done the self-discovery, you’ve brought the unconscious into the light. Now you are falling into the warm, comforting bliss of self-love and joy. Let yourself relax and be held by the assured wisdom that you are loved and you deserve beautiful things in this life.

Book This Package

Invest in your Self and your next chapter in life. During checkout you will be able to schedule all four sessions.

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